Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What do you see??

When YOU look in the mirror, what do YOU see?

"So God created man in is own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

That means ME & that means YOU!!

Do you see what God sees????

For years & years & years I struggled with MY image. I didn't even like myself, let alone love myself. After dealing with severe depression, having to be hospitalized, & finding myself in in-patient & out-patient group therapy, I learned I HAD to everyday look in the mirror & tell myself "I love YOU!" even if I didn't mean it. And, I have to tell you, for quite a longggg time, I didn't. What a mountain that was to climb!!

When I look in the mirror, do I like what I see now? On the inside, Yes, most of the time,.......remember, I am still "under construction". On the outside, well, again,.....remember the "1st place for health" program, I'm still "under construction". AND, remember that group of "friends" I talked about that hassle me about doing that P90X workout......they are still trying to kill me..............You gotta love them! They are consistent, they are faithful, they are patient---and, they love ME!!

Know what else, I LOVE ME!!!! Lord, give me your eyes to see what you see........

1 comment:

  1. good jpb you keeep putting your thoughts down,,,God will lead you..love ya tammy r
