Friday, January 30, 2009

Pure As Fresh Fallen Snow

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Pure as the fresh fallen snow. "? Snow---pure?? Have you been outside the last couple days? Have you had to shovel it, drive in it, or been stuck in it or stuck inside because of it? Again I ask you, snow-pure???

Now comes the tracking with me, my mind, & its thought pattern....(remember me warning you about that in my very first blog?)

Yesterday God was speaking to me about this particular subject. He sent me on "reminiscing trip". He wanted me to remember how I truly LOVED His gift of snow. Showing me this was an eye-opener. I don't like cold weather. I didn't like cold weather back when I loved His gift of snow either. He helped me see that what I loved was the true, pure beauty fresh fallen snow provided. "Pure as the fresh fallen snow."

New Webster's Dictionary's definition for pure:
free from all unnecessary matter, esp. from anything that pollutes; free from anything that contaminates; innocent; spotless; chaste; stainless; genuine; unpolluted; mere; sheer; absolute.

While outside with the dogs yesterday morning, I saw and heard God's work. The birds seemed more loud and happy. I hadn't noticed it the day before. They were singing beautiful songs. They were busy feeding around my feeder. They were in all the trees around singing. Most of my neighbors yards still had undisturbed snow (you don't have that with 3 dogs, if you know what I mean).....pure beauty. I knew God had given me His eyes and His ears to experience this pureness. I cherished the moment and didn't want it to end.

Next came thoughts--maybe it was conviction--how pure is my heart? How pure are my motives? How pure are my actions?

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

"The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1Timothy 1:5

"Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure." 1Timothy 5:22

"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure." Titus 1:15
"Who can say, 'I have kept my heart pure, I am clean and without sin'?" Proverbs 20:9

LORD please forgive me, I'm still "under construction". Thank you for allowing me to have your eyes and ears and see your majesty! How GREAT is our God!!!!

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